Thursday, April 30, 2009


zz.. ahgh! smeezing but happy.. cause
no more folio!! YAY!!
so happy.. today at skul so pekcek.. but happy.. this is the first time i do folio do until i wanna cry.. haha

wow! happy.. so high today!
wow!!.. the moral teacher haha.. haha..
v scold her until so...... no word describe.. haha
v so geng.. she di di gong.. v di di tia.. but thn tia bo.. haha
she talk talk n tal cannot stop.. v hear n listen n listen.. haha.. cannot finish listen.. haha... but thn v listen nothing.. haha.. tia bo.. haha

trying not to scold rude words!!!
cannot control my self!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

MT !!!!

woww!!! wow!!!!! ahhh!!!!
wow.. cool man!! i love the whole MT
cool.. no regrets for going there!!
i love the black n dark passage!1 the corridor!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i m not a liar!! NOT

i m not a LIAR!!
i din lie okay!
i din tell anyone about that!
who told u?
i din tell anyone okay!
i really din tell.. i m not a LIAR!!
i m NOT!!
i m not!!
i din tell anyone lo..
walao eh..
i din lie.. i din lie... u want me to say how many time??
thn finally.. he say he test me oni.. walao.. gou zha lo.. zz.. suan..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

too much homework

i wad homework oso no do..
shuang liao lo..
now every book oso wanna pass up.. every book oso cannot pass up.. cause all oso not complete!!!!
wanna die ah.. walao...
math haven complete.. bm haven.. sj haven.. bi haven sc nonid say.. still got a lot... last time de homework i oso haven do lo.. walao eh.. kh.. aiz... got folio ah...FOLIO man..
haven touch oso lo.. wad la.. wanna die
dunwan write liao.. wanna go complete my maths..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my bag!

my bag have been destroyed!!! ARGH! T.T
my bag.. yesterday v playing liquid paper lo.. because my correction tape finished.. thn i lend correction tape wif jq lo.. thn the thing cnnt cum out lo....v tought finish lo.. thn ljr go cut wif tj de scissors.. who knows still got many de worh..thn v play lo... thn the ljr.... v play the liquid hor.. thn kena my bag lo.. walao....siao.. but fun.. i mean the proses v play that la.. n the 20 dollar.. haha.. ljr me n jq plays that.. actually.. tj n fj oso got play little bit.. hahaha...hahaha...

Monday, April 13, 2009

my second class hahaha...

i mean second guitar class la.. hahaha.. er.. hehe.. it rocks.. n..
i wont scare for it adi!
its a good news rite?
lols... n i will have my guitar soon...
second hand guitar!..zz.. sienz... whatever..
and finally.. i know the meaning of bu zi zai n zi zai.. haha..
haha.. good la..
er.. nothing more to say.. n.. byes..

Thursday, April 09, 2009


my science... 68 oni.. yor......
maths 75 oni... no A... yo.....
sien la.. its all my fault.. my prob..

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


montly test again.. zz..
my maths sucks.. my science sucks...!! i got 2 Bs adi.. i muststudy harder on other subject.. including BC>>!!
thats all.. i must! somebody.. force me to study!
PLease.. all of my friends is studying.. but i m not.. wad is this??
oh my god.. DAMN
study seni!
grr.. grr...
bye la..
nid to study adi!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

my first class..

i had my first guitar class. and..
thats funny...
i mean.. some kind of... er...
a little bit of scary.. and...
er.. cool??
something like that.. lols..
finally.. i choose..
classical guitar.. thats my final decision.. lols..
thn actually my class is 3.30 de..
thn the teacher 3 finished his class.. so..
my class 3 o clock lo
that teacher say...
er.. go in that room.. n wait for me..
i go lo...
after a while.. he go in.. thn theres 3 guitar in there..
and... he teach me classical guitar.. and.. er...
he introduce his self first lo..
he ask me how old r me
thn i say 14
thn he say.. er.. i oso not very old only la..
thn he say he is ricky...
thn..he say
thn i say oo..
thn he say eh...i say you can just dang me as ur fren.. thn i say oo..
thn he say.. u vry 不自在hor.. i say.. ok la..
he vry funny lo..thn he ask me wads my name.. thn i say huihan.. thn he say.. y so many ppl call hui han de?
i say got mah?
thn he say he got one fren oso call huihan..
thn he say they everyday call him/her ah han ah han.. thn he say u oso rite.. i say yes..
thn he oways say i vry bu zi zai hor.. wahsey..
wan how oni zi zai oh?
hahaha... he laugh vry funny.. haha...
er.. i wanna buy a guitar!!!
i want guitar!
the teacher is good thn better..
at first hor.. i scare the teacher vry fierce.. thn who noe he is good.. so.. okay la.. fun class..

Saturday, April 04, 2009

sports day..

tirad.. wanna die..
stand for 3 hours.. but happy...
happy... hahaha....
tired but happy.. hahaha.. but i think i bcum more dark adi.. cause sun under the sun.. duty.. cool.. haha

lols... senior de phone same with mine de... nokia 5320 Xpress music.. haha
blue colour de oso.. hahahahahaha...
yor.. stupid chew yee senior.. herhx...
oso not us bring phone... v din bring phone.. n din play phone.. nonid to qi shi us la.. herhx.. haih...
v din even play phone lo.. v just talking in side bilik nia ma... zz...
but nvr mind la.. many ppl bring phone .. they playing so senior oni close the bilik nia.. nvr mind la.. haha..
actually i suppose to write this on yesterday.. but too tired.. so din do anything... haha...
today is sat.. later i will have my first guitar class...
wad should i choose??
electronic guitar or classic guitar?
no idea...

dunno la.. yo....
bye bye